In video poker, it’s tempting to chase the Royal Flushes, as that’s where the jackpots are, but more often than not, you’ll miss and walk away with nothing. This will teach you the most basic rules, after which you’re ready to go. Luckily for you, there isn’t much to know.
You don’t know what you have, how to improve, and when to fold if you don’t have a good grasp of poker hand values. Understanding poker hand values is essential for playing any game of poker. Give yourself time to think about each hand and plot each move, and only click that “Deal” button when you’re good and ready. You miss potential chances, you bet too much, and you generally make costly errors that impact you heavily over the long-run. Slowing down can help you immensely when playing games like Video Poker, as you’re more prone to making mistakes when you play quickly. Before you sit down to enjoy a few Video Poker games, take a look at the following Video Poker strategies.